Sunday, May 19, 2013

Day 19 - watched TV

Today was another lazy Sunday. I watched "Meet the Fockers" & "Terminator 3", both fun. Robbin went out for only a short time as it was way too hot.  To get a wee bit of exercise I walked up & down the hallway a few times. Very wee!

Tomorrow I will have another procedure, the easy one. Not sure why we even do it in the operating  theatre. I believe we will meet with Geeta tomorrow too.  I have some questions typed up.

Yesterday, Robbin bought a bag of Lays "Magic Masala Potato Chips."  I had 3 and they were delicious!  

Some pictures taken during the week.
Kappa & ? (Room cleaners). Off today!  They are both very nice.

Ahba had some tea one day this week. First time, so I wanted a picture of her. Some how, I got in there too!

Me drinking from a coconut. No liquor.  Didn't know I liked it but I find it quite refreshing!  Doctor's orders.
Sisters came to give me my stem cell injection in my arm muscle.  They are all always happy!,

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