Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Day 15 - last day of catheter

Slept very well, drunk with stem cells.  I had a headache last night and they gave me a capsule for it.  I found out tonight, a side effect is sleep. I thought it was on my own (rats). Went to PT & OT this morning and PT in the afternoon. It was good to finally leave the room!

Had 2 treatments on Wednesday with the infusion pump. Then they took out the catheter tonight, yeah!!  Also had stem cell arm injections.  Robbin went to yoga at 5:30. He enjoyed it.  

Our NJ home is under contract (thanks to my good friend, Kathy!).  It's been through attorney review and now the house will be inspected. Lot's going on.

Everyone here continues to be very friendly and caring.

Tonight's dinner - chicken thighs. What a treat!

Ryan flies out to San Francisco tomorrow for his Google summer adventure. Wish him well. He is staying in the mission area with a Swarthmore friend.

Good night!

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