Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Day 14 - In the room all day

Tuesday I was in the room all day starting with iv antibiotics, followed by an infusion of baby stem cells given via an infusion pump. Takes about 7 minutes. Then I need to lay flat for 30 minutes.  This massive dose makes me so so tired that I sleep.  Then 2-3 hrs later another.  And again!  And another small bag of IV antibiotics.  Slept great last night!

Assorted pictures below.

Monday, me in gown after catheter insertion. 

Counter with cabinet and fridge below. And beautiful flowers from Padma!!

Our.closet with suitcases on top.  RC's bed is normally in the space . He moved it for pics.

Robbin's blow up bed.

Entry door & my walker. part of the bathroom door plus tv on the wall.  The tip of RC's bed.

air conditioner, clock and fluorescent bulb.  top of mirror and bathroom door.

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