Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Day 13 - Bigger procedure on Monday

Sorry my post was not timely, I had a normal Monday morning with shower, breakfast, PT & OT. At 12:30, I was scheduled to have a procedure to have a catheter put in my spine; new delivery method for baby stem cells. It will be in me for 3 days. No shower until Thursday. First I was given an IV drip of antibiotics. Then Ajo & Deepak took me to the operating theatre by gurney. The doctor cleaned my back with something cold. When I flinched he said "just cleaning your back."  Nice warning, I thought. I was sitting up straight with Ajo holding my shoulders. The doctor squeezed my side, another flinch, "just checking your liver." Why, I wondered.

He then injected an anesthetic and frankly, it hurt.  Had to happen sometime, I now say bravely.  Then we all waited about 5 minutes.  I could feel him working, but there was no pain. It took about 3-4 mins to insert it and bandage me up.  Deepak took care of holding my shoulders as Ajo went behind me and bandaged me up. Lots of tape! The doctor gave me stem cells via my new catheter and then my normal Monday neck and cheek injections.

Back to the room I needed to lay down for 1/2 hr and then allowed to eat lunch. Then I needed to lay flat again. After some time, more stem cells via an infusion pump machine.  I continued laying down. Dr. Geeta (that's what I call her to others) came in and we all chatted for a long while. She showed us pictures on her phone of stem cells growing.  She told us a story of her mom who had an ischemic stroke and could not move.  Doctors had given up on her. Geeta flew her mom to NuTech in New Dehli and loaded her up with stem cells.  Within 3 months she was recovering after PT, OT and more stem cells. Today, she works at NuTech!  Her mom told Robbin I'll be quilting again. A dream come true, for sure.

Then the last round of stem cells for the day. Three more rounds on both Tues & Wednesday, along with IV antibiotics. Shower on Thursday!!

Had them give me something to help me sleep. I wasn't in pain, but I was uncomfortable.
Varuna said he would have shaved if he knew we'd be taking pictures. But we all know I like beards.
Varuna, my physical therapist.

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