Friday, June 28, 2013

Day 59 - A Non-technical Overview!

This is a non medical, non technical update.

Everyone in India is so nice.  I meet new people all the time and they are all so friendly!

The staff at the hospital are all very caring and happy to help me.  And they help Robbin too.

I have seen very small improvements in certain muscles.  When I'm home I'm not sure if anyone will notice any difference.

This therapy will take 2-3 years to work, so I will need to come to India several times a year.  The trips will be shorter than this one.

The food is not great here, but it's hospital food.  They eat a lot of chicken drumsticks here.  Sometimes we order from a local restaurant and they deliver it.

Overall, I am happy here.  I work hard at my physical therapy to make my muscles stronger.  I will need to continue this at home.

Robbin is happy when he works on guitars here!

Ahba, my caregiver, is very loving & kind; always helpful.

Tonight's movie: Oz, the Great and Powerful with James Franco.  Fun!

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