Thursday, June 13, 2013

Daly 44 - Thursday

Today in PT I asked to be weighed.  I am down ~1.5 kg in about 2 weeks.  Who would think after so many years of being overweight, that loosing any amount would be a disappointment.  Certainly not me.  (121 lbs 4 oz to 118 lbs)  Grrrr!

I keep waiting for Popeye's arm muscles.  I'm eating my spinach which is called 'sag' here in India.

I increased my left leg weight to 3 kg (6lbs 9.8 oz)!  Right leg is still trailing behind at 2.5 kg (5 lbs 8 oz). Sounds like a horse race, eh?

Also in PT, I spoke briefly with Tracey from Boston.  She is with her husband and son, Noah, who is two.  She stays at NuTech and they stay at the hotel across the street.  She misses her son as she was caring for him full time.  They visit around dinner time for a few hours each day.  I can't wait to meet him.

OT was good, Swati say my wrists and tongue are getting stronger; hard for me to tell from one day to the next.

Stems cells were given in the injection room.  One in my neck, one in each cheek and one IV. Two in my arm were given in my room, am & pm. I continue to welcome them.

Did some exercises in the room, followed by Abha's hand, arm & leg massage.  Puts me out cold.  Slept for one hour.

Dinner was Chicken Keema, yum.

TV was some "Darma & Greg" followed by "Everyone Loves Raymond."  Robbin read his ebook.  

I may have gotten Robbin's cold so they gave me an antihistamine.

Happy Birthday Sis! xo

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