Saturday, June 22, 2013

Day 53 - Out & About

I had OT & PT for 30 mins each this morning; Saturday hours.  Then back to the room for a short while and they came early for my gut procedure and PICC dressing change.  Lifted up onto the gurney; I'm getting use to it.  It only took 25 minutes and that was door to door!

Lunch was yummy.  They call it Butter Chicken but it reminded me of Chicken Tikka Masala.  Afterwards, Robbin called the front desk for an air conditioned taxi for 1:30.  We had it for 4 hours.

We went to the mall.  Actually two malls (Ambiance & DLF Promanade) as they are attached.  Robbin bought a shirt and pants and I bought 2 tops - all from a store called Pantaloons.  It was so loud as they play music loudly.  And I can't really scream, Ahba had trouble understanding me and Robbin has a plugged ear.  What a threesome!

We also bought food; snacks really. Cheese galore for me (sheep feta & 2 varieties of goat cheese) and some dark chocolate light on the sugar - don't want to feed the Lyme!  Also some lemons & limes for my water. Ahba likes the feta and goat too.

Robbin bought gluten free animal crackers, a variety of potato chips & corn chips.  We are stocked!!

Tonight at 6:00 pm, I took a shower; an hour earlier than recommended due to my previous epidural procedure.

It was a fun day. :-)

Dinner was Chicken Biryani and Raita (but only a little as its cow's milk). Delicious!!

Some TV - more Jackie Chan plus "Unbreakable" with Bruce Willis.

Some WWF and off to bed soon.


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