Thursday, June 27, 2013

Day 58 -

Today was uneventful, except that lunch came at 1:30 which meant I missed my afternoon Physio.  Bummer.  I complained and "it won't happen again."

This was my last day of Tindazole IV until next Wednesday; I'm glad.

Robbin looked long and hard for a straight edge and found it online and the man actually delivered it!  He needed it to straighten a guitar neck.  Then he looked for some mineral spirits to clean the guitar, he searched high and low and on the web; no luck.  Then he emailed Karan, part time luthier, who sent him to a cigarette/cigar shop.  Bingo.

Speaking of Karan, he and his wife Hema invited us over to their home on Sunday afternoon for some home cooking!!  Wahoo, I'm salivating already! And Karan's parents will be there.  So excited.  

(Hema, if you're reading this, I'll eat anything!  And I'd love to watch you cook, if possible.)

And Saturday, much needed haircuts for all.

Tonight, Jackie Chan and Scandal.

Thought for the day:

"If you get, give.
 If you learn, teach."  - Maya Angelou

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