Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Day 57 - Wake Up!

Last night I felt like I had a fever, but when they took my temperature under my armpit it only registered 97.9.  I was fatigued (like a ton of bricks), some aches and my eyes hurt (which always accompanies a fever in 'my' body).  They gave me some Motrin/Tylenol combination and that helped.  In the night I broke out in a mild sweat.  So, a fever with no supporting temperature data?!

This morning, my temperature was 96.5, so I had a bit of something.  I'm taking it as a good sign - my immune system is waking up.  Dr. Geeta agrees!  Happy.

Rough 2 days, definitely herxing from this combo of antibiotics.  Muscle weakness, fatigue, OM's and Naga's not as clear.  And this is from the girl who never recognized a herx!

For my Lyme friends, I'm on:
Tindazole IV - 3 days on, 5 days off.  400ml
Minocycline - 30 days on, 7 days off.  100 mg am & pm
Taxim IV - 5 days on, 2 days off. 1 gram am & pm

Vitamin C - 10 ml twice weekly

Today they started me on the Vitamin C IV today. 

So besides my morning PT, a procedure injection near my tail bone (weird) and another procedure for my gut, I've been on IV's most of the day.  And with each new IV, they do a test dose.

Dinner was lamb keema which we enjoyed.

Scandal & A Person of Interest.


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