Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Day 36 - Wednesday Wonders & Woes

I did well in PT this morning with more weights on the leg machine and again walking briefly without the walker.  OT was good too.  This is my third week with Swati and I enjoy her attentiveness as well as her personality. Both Varun & Swati are very encouraging.  Swati has noticed improvements in my hand strength & stamina - certainly nice to hear.

Varun has a happy, warm disposition. We continue to talk & share info about ourselves.  He loves to watch & play sports. He makes the PT time pass quickly. He will have an arranged marriage; his parents thought it was time as he is 29. He likes being single, he wanted a few more years.

Faizon's grandma continues to greet me daily when I arrive. I respond with "Morning Grandma."  A smile translates well in all cultures!

For today's procedures, I had a simple (small injection) in my spine, gut stem cells via my tush, and for the 1st time - injections in the palms of both hands.  PAIN!  OOOOOOUCH!!  Two in each hand; one at lower thumb in the pad and the other on the pinky side, but in the hand pad towards the wrist.  Sure hope I don't get those weekly.

I needed to lay on my back for an hour so I played my iPod (Leon, Cat Stevens, Jim Croce). There were more but I dozed off.  Robbin bought me some great head phones the other day.  Superb sound!!  I really miss Cat Stevens.

Comments may now work, please try.  One of my practitioners, Sibylle, is an avid blogger and she emailed me instructions which I forwarded to Ryan (cause I'm lazy) and he implemented it. So please give it a try & let me know. Thanks Sibylle, Ryan.

Sitting outside, I met another Lymie from Germany.  Sarah has been here 5 times; seven months in total. Her caregiver, Jason, is from SSF in California.  They met when he was here with his sister ~18 months ago.  They are not romantically inclined, yes - I asked.   They are staying at a hotel up the block for comfort.  She has major muscle pain.  They are both so nice! We talked for 1/2 in the new NuTech cafe which is attached to the building & is air conditioned.  Ahba remembered Sarah from her trips.

Tonight we will speak to Shawn via Skype, yeah!

That's all folks.


  1. Hi Deb,

    Was able to finally read all of your blogs. I am amazed at what you are doing. I pray that this will help you get better. Sounds like you have an excellent support team there and are making progress. The blog about you and Robbin made me cry. What love you have for each other. You are very lucky to have him and Ryan in your life as they are to have you. Keep posting! XOXO Toni

  2. Hi Deb, Hope this comment can get posted correctly - thanks to Ryan for the DEBugging (yes, I liked the pun). thank you for posting so much information, its nice to hear from you. Glad you are listening to music and have good headphones - makes all the difference. Hello to Robbin, too. Love, MaryEllen

  3. Thanks Toni, MaryEllen for posting! So happy it works now.

    Seems I made a lot of people cry from my post about Robbin & his to me. I cried too! xo

  4. Deb, thanks for the mention. It's good to see the blog looking nice and comments easily posted!
