Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Day 43 - Mail

Today was a usual day with morning PT and OT, tongue and nasal spray stem cells and an arm injection.  And then there was a knock on the door.  The man from security was there with a FedEx envelope addressed to me!

I knew what was in it because I secretly asked for it.  It was from a very creative person I know in the US.  Many of you know her too, if you work at Roche. Yes, Sue Marino - compliance, dog sitter, Jib-Jab producer and creative designer!

On Memorial Day weekend, I emailed Sue to ask if she was in a creative mood. "Of course!" was her reply.

Robbin has certain sayings here in India and I thought it would be fun as laminated art work!  Sue delivered.

Team Deb- Robbin says I have so many ideas and requests, that I need a whole team!

Thanks Sue!

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