Saturday, July 27, 2013

Day 89 - Signing Out for a bit

Still packing; a big mess in a small room.

Ahba is cutting my pills; they just gave them to me today for my 2 week discharge. 

Had my PICC line removed & had a great hot shower!  

Since we are staying longer than expected I just placed a 3rd Internet order and AGAIN asked my childhood friend Barbara to ship packages to me; this time to Germany as its easier for her courier.  AND he's a doll too; doesn't charge me anything! This is the 3rd time, maybe he'll wizen up.  Barbara, you're terrific!!  Lee too!

Spoke to Tyson & Annie in the hallway tonight, it was fun. They will be back in Sept and again in Jan or Feb; hope I see them then!  Ben came down the hall to join us, he is so nice too!  He'll be here when we come back in 2 weeks.

Going to be a zombie tomorrow! 5 hrs sleep.


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