Saturday, July 13, 2013

Day 74 - Sprinkles on the Sundae

Fatigued again today!  On a Tindazole IV for 3 days so that could be why.  Rested and napped on & off for 2 1/2 hrs, then showered; felt better!

Ahba left for her only day off, Sunday.  Most here work 5 1/2 days a week, but only about 33 hrs!  Very different than in the US.  Ahba works 11 hr days and commutes 4 hrs daily.  She wakes at 4:30 for a special prayer and then sleeps a bit more.  Then she wakes, cooks for the day (remember, no kitchen), showers and leaves at 6:30 am to arrive at 8:30.  She's a hard worker.

Robbin's been working hard programming to present Geeta's data.  He and Sam are emailing each other.  He's having fun.

Tomorrow, we are planning a trip to the mall to shop at Food Hall for a variety of sheep & goat cheeses.  Yum!

Watched Julie & Julia tonight; fun.  I remember seeing it in the theatre with MaryBeth.  Remember Sis?

Thought for Today

"You know, all that really matters is that the people you love are happy and healthy.  Everything else is just sprinkles on the sundae."
                                                                                    ..... Paul Walker 

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