Monday, July 22, 2013

Day 83 - Interview Me!

Monday was good in PT, I could move my right ankle better than before.  I excitedly showed Varun!  He agreed.  Happy.

After PT, OT and injections, I was interviewed by a Research Professor from The Graduate Institute in Geneva.  He came with an assistant; both real nice.  We talked about the misinformation about stem cells in the US, my decision process to come here, my disease progression, how I am being treated at NuTech and about my small improvements.  I will email him my blog for further details.  He is staying in India right now but his research is funded for 5 years by the EU.  He has been following Geeta's progress for 12 years!  He thought it would be a 6 month investigation.

Today's CAT scan of my stomach was cancelled as my previous one had no abnormalities.  Geeta wanted to order an EMG, I shook my head no.  Too painful.  So I'll do it in Sept after my 2nd round of stem cells. Not looking forward to that!!  

Tomorrow is my last day of stem cells.  Then I still have PT & OT and my medicine and vitamin IVs.  

My PICC will get pulled before we leave for Germany; happy.

Thought for Today. 

Be calm; stay focused, be present and look forward.      .... me

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