Friday, July 5, 2013

Day 66 - TGIF

Ryan added a button to the blog that will translate the post for you, if English isn't your first language. Very cool!  Thanks Ryan.

Today was a huge IV day, 2 long ones (2-3 hours each) and 2 short ones (25 mins). Plus stem cells in both arms, on my tongue, up my nose, via the catheter & by IV.  Also, they took the catheter out, yeah!  

Robbin went downstairs & worked with Sam for a bit.  Sam is impressed with what's going on here.  

Tomorrow, Saturday will entail 2 IVs timed around a gut procedure at noon.  And at night, dinner out!

TV - "Paul McCartney and Wings" plus Scandal.

Thought of the Day 

"If you truly wish to change or improve your results in the physical world, you must first change your thoughts."  Bob Proctor

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