Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Day 71 - Power

Power to the People ... The Power of Love ... Will Power ... Power Rangers ... The Powers that Be ... Power Struggle ... Flower Power ...

Did I ever mention how often we lose 'electric' power in New Dehli?  A lot.  It's usually short, less than a minute, but still a little annoying.  When it happens in physical therapy it gets dark as PT is in the basement. The elevator has to reboot or something, and there's a long line.  The air conditioners reset.  They have 2 generators, but I suspect they are for refrigerators & freezers for the stem cells.

One of the doctors stopped by last night and said my speech is louder. Yeah!

Robbin ordered speakers online for the room on Monday and they were delivered by motorbike on Tuesday!  In India, they have people for everything. The speakers are a great addition with music playing all day.

Several new patients arrived, all with Lyme.  Tyson has Lyme mimicking ALS like me.  This is their 2nd trip here.  Ann, his wife, had 'friended me' on a closed FB page, but I didn't realize it was them until tonight.  Another woman, Andrea, is from Germany.  Both are in wheelchairs.

Robbin is working hard today learning a programming language to help Geeta with displaying her data.

Had 2 laryngospasms tonight, not fun.

Thought of the Day

Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't.   ......Margaret Thatcher

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