Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Day 70 - Lost & Found

Tuesday, I had stems cell in my arm muscles, by IV, on my tongue and up my Italian nose (hee, hee).

Ahba is sad today as she can't find her bank book & her border ID card.  She had made copies of them last week and may have left them at the photocopy shop or misplaced them at home.  So hard to see her sad and worried.

We gave her 400 rupees ($6.65) to take a tuk-tuk to the photocopy shop & the bank and then return.  We are hoping she finds them!

I had my long multi-vitamin IV today.

After 3 hours, Ahba returned happy.  She went to the home of the photocopy shop owner and he had been waiting for her to return.  She went with him to the shop and he gave her the paperwork & requested a cold drink for being an honest man.  Nerve?  Maybe, but this is India.  We gave her a Sprite to give to him.

Ahba and I had some sheep feta cheese & coconut water to celebrate!

Oh, I made a mistake last night, we are here 10 weeks, not 9 - duh.

Thought for the day

"Always look for something in the last place you know you had it."  
                                                                                                                      ...Deb Paul Carlson :-)

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