Thursday, July 25, 2013

Day 87 - Mega Doses!

Been busy working on the German clinic's medical forms, with Robbin's help of course.  They will send my blood to John's Hopkins to a special lab for analysis.  Then consult with a woman in the US for fine-tuning instructions on my treatment.

I thought my last day of stem cells was Tuesday, but I've been getting IV mega doses (W-F) and I'm hungry and tired like I'm pregnant.  How do those older women have babies for their daughters?  I've been napping for over 2 hrs each day.

We will leave for Germany on Sunday, July 28th and arrive, after 10 flying hours, on Sunday!  Returning to NuTech on Saturday, Aug 10th. Took Robbin 3hrs on-line to get tickets; he's pooped!

I'm looking forward to some different food.

Still doing PT & OT.

Tomorrow Ahba will begin packing for us.  We have to pack everything so they can clean the room.

Thought for Today

Be kind to everyone.

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