Thursday, January 19, 2017

What the heck is Robbin going to do?

It's been a tough 7 years or so.  I've followed her almost everywhere, driven her where I could.  Eventually Team Deb took over and gave me a week here and there to take a break.

Over that time I have developed new interests that keep me pretty occupied.  I learned a half dozen computer languages and did some interesting things for myself.

If I discount the poor shots that I simply try again, I'm playing very good golf due to going out any day it doesn't rain or snow.

In 2012 I took a machinist's class at the local NJ VoTech.  That is leading me into working on metal and splitting thousandths of an inch gives me a certain deep satisfaction.

To this end, I've bought a metal shaper and an old Italian lathe.  To come are a milling machine and a surface grinder.  With all that equipment and visits to the scrap yard, I hope to build myself a set of tools I can use on my equipment.  There are thousands of hours available for me to perfect getting a piece parallel within hundreds of microns.  Or at least learn what fools gold exists in a parallel that precise.

I visited the Basel any number of times and the one place that always pleased me was the Tingley exhibition ( - an outside water sculpture complex.

Another was in Disney world where the kids played on a concrete water fountain where squirts of water would come out of holes and you could see the stream from start to end while it was in the air. I can do that by making computer controlled valves, I think I can do interesting things that exercise both my computer and machining bents.

Both of these are kind of artsey and a nice mix between tech and aesthetics.

My routine has been to work in the barn from 9 or 10 until 5:30.  This is something I can continue and hope it keeps me busy after this episode in my life is over. 

Of course Ryan is getting married in July and if I luck out, they'll work near me.  I guess Pittsburgh qualifies, but oh, wouldn't it be nice if they found perfect jobs in Scranton or Binghamton?  I've said it to him before, but I get the look like, Right Dad, dream on.


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