Friday, July 31, 2015



Today I had the works. Wish I was at the spa!

I had neural therapy from Virginia on my back, my neck and my head and belly. Some places hurt. After that I had a 2 hour colonic. I no longer have any gallstones and my liver is clean. Out came more candida. After that I had IVs and then a nap. I slept very deep.

Concha came and worked on me in my bed. Virginia laid next to me and translated. Concha told me my brain was better, meaning more brain rhythms. Parts of it are still slow. Virginia will work on that.

Concha was able to put my right shoulder into its socket but not my left. Boo hoo. My cartilage is too weak and won't hold it. She felt my belly and everything is working well even my liver. She worked on my tailbone, legs and feet. She is 64 years old and is very strong.

Tina and Lori are now homesick. Two more days here and a long one on Monday to get home.


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