Wednesday, July 29, 2015

About Virginia

About Virginia

Virginia has 12 children. One daughter named Mary passed away. When Mary was 9 months old she choked on a pecan. Mary had no oxygen for 25 minutes. Virginia was living in San Diego, Ca. Many people came to Mary's aid. Many were strangers who heard about it on the news. Mary was on a ventilator, had a trach and a feeding tube. Mary understood everything but she was mute.

Virginia was able to read her daughter and knew her wishes. Mary lived until she was 17. The clinic is named after her.

All the other children are thriving. Three of them work in the clinic. They are all very bright and kind. Her youngest daughter is 6 years old. Virginia has a full plate, but manages to spend endless hours with us so we can learn. She travels the world for information from top experts.

Virginia is so smart. Every day she sits with us and tells us new information that we never heard before. She is very humble. While we are here we watch educational videos about the gut, the liver, pancreas and gall bladder.

If you have time, you would enjoy Natasha Cambell-McBride's video about gut and physiology syndrome. Her talk was for Weston Price Organization. You will learn a lot. Visit her website at

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