Saturday, July 25, 2015

Day 4 was a bitch!

Day 4 was a bitch.

I had many treatments but only one stands out. I had an IV of ozone. After 30 or 40 minutes I was very cold. After another 5 minutes I was freezing. I had them stop it. I asked to go outside in the sun. It was 100 degrees or more but I was freezing, freezing, freezing. I was actually shivering.

Ozone kills off bacteria and boy did it work. I had major die-off. In other words a herx.

Tina and Lori put me to bed with socks and a blanket. I remember moaning for some time. It was awful but I welcomed it.

Virginia told me she had seen it twice before with very sick patients. She told me after 2 more times my reactions would be much less because the die-off would be less. Tomorrow I have my next one. Wish me luck. Xo

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