Saturday, August 1, 2015



Our trip is almost over. Today I had IVs and one retaining enema.

Today Virginia realized I was not testing for certain things because my fat intake was very low. Since I've been here I have not had my oils or supplements.

While I was here the whole idea was for me to detox. Virginia thinks I have been recirculating my toxins for a long time. Now that I am clean I can begin to make my intestinal flora healthy. Then my body will not allow candida and parasites, and my food will be digested properly. Even though I was eating right I was not benefitting from it.

Following that, my diet will nourish my body and the oils will help build my myelin. Myelin helps the nerves to function. Nerves help muscle. I will need more exercise or my muscles will not function.  Now you see the whole plan.

Tomorrow, Virginia will test all my supplements and oils to determine the amounts I need. Tomorrow we will also pack. Tina gave Lori that job. Xo

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