Sunday, August 2, 2015



Today was our last day here. We took pictures and said our goodbyes. Virginia showed Lori and Tina how to muscle test. They will show Lisa and Amanda. Virginia tested all of my supplements. There are many small changes.

I had my IVs and ozone. Linda performed a new live blood cell analysis and I have improved. My red blood cells are not clumping as much, only 2 together. My white blood cells are low but active. I still have some candida but Linda said that it was to be expected because of all the detox. The parasites are gone.

Tonight we leave at 5 am. Wish us luck! Xo


  1. I'm glad you've improved some! Hope you had a safe trip back <3

    1. Thanks honey. Now I am going through a major detox. Not fun. I believe it was from 23 years of living home in a smoke filled house, and car! Xo
