Day 1
Tina came in at 8:30 all happy and cheerful. Lori was tired and needed coffee and a smoke. After bathing, dressing and feeding we went next door to the clinic. The first thing I did was live blood cell analysis. Linda, Virginia's daughter, took one drop of blood and put it on three slides and viewed it under a microscope. We could all see it on a large screen.
It showed I have parasites, candida, and my white blood cells are stagnant. They should be moving around and they aren't. My white blood cells should be cleaning up my blood and they are not working properly.
My red blood cells are clumping together and there aren't many. For example, there should be thousands and I may have 50.
Another view from the third slide showed a time line from my youth until now. It was truly amazing. They could see my diet had changed because my gut was a little better. The view of when I was young showed metal toxicity. I believe and so does Linda that it was from my parents smoking. Remember, I lived at home until I was 23.
Linda could tell I have poor circulation. She told me when I was young I had an injury to my head. Sure enough I had fallen down the steps when I was only crawling. I had broken my arm but no one thought anything else was wrong.
There is more but I don't remember right now. A young woman took notes and I will have them soon.
After that they put me on a massage table on my belly. I hadn't been on my belly in a very long time. I had a problem with my head because my neck was being choked because of the placement. After a while they put something under my chest and something under my forehead and I was fine. Of course I cried because I couldn't tell them what the issue was. Tomorrow is another day and we all learned.
While on my belly, Virginia massaged my back with oils and it felt wonderful. She felt a lot of tension in my neck and shoulders. I believe that was caused by working at a desk for 33 years. Next, Virginia performed cupping. She heated up a cup with a cotton ball that was on fire and proceeded to put it on my back and neck and move them around. There were 3 cups. It hurt a little but I am a tough bird.
Then Virginia read my eyes. The process is called iridology. She saw that my liver is very stressed because of all the toxins. She also told me I have leaky gut.
"The gut is naturally permeable to very small molecules in order to absorb these vital nutrients. In fact, regulating intestinal permeability is one of the basic functions of the cells that line the intestinal wall. In sensitive people, gluten can cause the gut cells to release zonulin, a protein that can break apart tight junctions in the intestinal lining. Other factors — such as infections, toxins, stress and age — can also cause these tight junctions to break apart.
Once these tight junctions get broken apart, you have a leaky gut. When your gut is leaky, things like toxins, microbes, undigested food particles, and more can escape from your intestines and travel throughout your body via your bloodstream. Your immune system marks these "foreign invaders" as pathogens and attacks them."
Virginia also told me that the edema I have is from the toxins finding a place to go. She noticed from my eyes that my small intestine had a lot of inflammation and said that is where the blockages may be. She also said because of the inflammation
and blockages that my intestines are in a different area then they are supposed to be. She could tell this by palpating me.
I ended my day with a retention enema that I had to hold for 30 minutes. That was at 6:30 and it is now 10 pm and it is still in me. No movement what so ever.
I also had to take 1 quart of fermented juice over the course of a day.
One last thing. Virginia told me I am not absorbing the nutrients from my food because I need more enzymes. Xo