Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Monday and Tuesday

Hi everyone,
On Monday we went to the INUS Medical Center and our first appointment was with the CEO who is a homeopathic doctor. She took down my history and explained the procedure and answered our questions. After that they gave us a tour of the apherisis room, which has four beds. A doctor showed us  the computer for the apherisis treatment. It has two filters, one to separate the plasma and one to extract the toxins. Soon after they gave me an EKG.

After that we met with Dr. Straube who once again explained the procedure.

On Tuesday I had my first apherisis treatment. They timed it for two and a half hours because I'm small. Who would have thought. They put needles in my arms, one for out and one for in. They kept asking if the needles were ok. Hell  ya, after stem cells it was a piece of cake! During the procedure I napped until a nurse woke to tell me that things were going well and they didn't have to have  me pump my hand. When it was over they showed you a small bag with the toxins that they filtered out.they told me that it was oily and they suspected chemicals and solvents . They will send it out for a full analysis, I can't wait to know what is in it!
Love to all xo

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