Sunday, October 12, 2014

Friday, Saturday and Sunday

We have been very busy. On Friday I had three IVs and then a wonderfully productive colonic. It was so productive that Jutta my therapist told the next patient about it. I guess there are no hippa rules here. The next patient was my new  friend Berent. At dinner we couldn't stop laughing about it. Jutta is so passionate about this shit pun intended!

On Saturday Diane and I got hair cuts and did a little shopping . In the evening Diane packed us up and organized everything . She is a real work horse.

On Sunday Maggie our driver picked us up at the hotel for a four hour drive to Cham. This hotel is very nice and dinner was out of this world.

Tomorrow I have an appointment to meet Dr. Straube. He will determine whether he can us the veins in my arms or if he has to go through the groin . Wish me luck!

Love to all

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