Monday, October 20, 2014

Update through the weekend

Hi everyone,
Sorry for the delay. On Wednesday Diane and I left the Hotel for two hours to go to the market place. Our first stop was a shoe store and Diane made fast friends with the sales girl. I enjoyed watching her have so much fun. She bought two pair of boots and the saleswoman gave Diane a free gift, a shoe horn for her father. 
The next shop was knitted goods and Diane made friends and got a free scarf, nail polish and leotards. The streets are cobblestone so we took a taxi back, I was pooped.

On Thursday I had my second apherisis treatment and it went very smoothly except for the initial poking of my left arm. After four pokes Dr. Straube was successful. During my treatment Diane went shopping and came back with some really nice clothing . After my treatment I was very weak, poor Diane had to lift dead weight. Friday was my worst day I was weaker, my speech was worse and I was very emotional.

On Saturday Maggie drove three hours to pick us up and then three hours back to the first hotel. We did some sight seeing along the way.

Today is Sunday and I'm very constipated, sad but true. Tomorrow Katrin is going to give me a laxative to help loosen my bowels so I will be able to release 5 days of ...
For colonics. 
That's all for now

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