Thursday, August 13, 2015


I've been home 10 days and I am detoxing hard. My liver is working overtime. Xo

Sunday, August 2, 2015



Today was our last day here. We took pictures and said our goodbyes. Virginia showed Lori and Tina how to muscle test. They will show Lisa and Amanda. Virginia tested all of my supplements. There are many small changes.

I had my IVs and ozone. Linda performed a new live blood cell analysis and I have improved. My red blood cells are not clumping as much, only 2 together. My white blood cells are low but active. I still have some candida but Linda said that it was to be expected because of all the detox. The parasites are gone.

Tonight we leave at 5 am. Wish us luck! Xo

Saturday, August 1, 2015



Our trip is almost over. Today I had IVs and one retaining enema.

Today Virginia realized I was not testing for certain things because my fat intake was very low. Since I've been here I have not had my oils or supplements.

While I was here the whole idea was for me to detox. Virginia thinks I have been recirculating my toxins for a long time. Now that I am clean I can begin to make my intestinal flora healthy. Then my body will not allow candida and parasites, and my food will be digested properly. Even though I was eating right I was not benefitting from it.

Following that, my diet will nourish my body and the oils will help build my myelin. Myelin helps the nerves to function. Nerves help muscle. I will need more exercise or my muscles will not function.  Now you see the whole plan.

Tomorrow, Virginia will test all my supplements and oils to determine the amounts I need. Tomorrow we will also pack. Tina gave Lori that job. Xo