Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Safe Arrival!

Robbin & I arrived safely in New Dehli. MaryBeth & Pat drove with us to JFK and returned our car home.  Love you both!

The plane ride was quicker than I expected. I was able to sleep, Robbin not so much. The crew on Air India was so very nice. Before landing the head steward delivered a card signed by the whole crew! How nice was that!?  Captain (female) came out to wish me well.

I heard there are 3 Lyme patients here.  One from NJ and two from Germany. We haven't left our room yet to meet anyone. Nurses come for vitals, 3 Drs came to introduce themselves last night and the manager came for a visit.  We already sent out for a few essentials.

Robbin unpacked all but my supplements. It's 8:30 am on Wednesday. Thanks for all the supportive emails.  Please post on the blog as it will be easier going forward.  

Thursday, April 25, 2013

The adventure starts

We're getting our ducks in a row.  First came collecting Deb's medical records and digitizing them and getting them to India.  We had to make a little movie of her walking.  The doctor went over all this and then scheduled a phone call.  She'd determined that her treatments might help.  She wrote a letter that we used to get medical visas (Deb's is the medical visa, mine is a helper visa).

Having avoided travel in the last year or so of work, I didn't need my passport and when we took it out, it had expired.  That is how our lives go these days, there is always something to do before we can do the task at hand.

The treatment is to introduce embryonic stem cells into Deb's body.  The Lyme disease has damaged her nerves.  We want the stem cells to go to these damaged sites and start growing into new nerve cells.  Simple, right?

We got business class tickets, although I'd have been happy to sit in the first row of tourist and her in the last row of business.  We leave from Kennedy and arrive in Delhi 15 hours later.  In case you have nothing to do and want to see our progress, we're on Air India flight 102 leaving April 29.  I'm sure google can tell you where in the world we are while we're in the air.

This is where we're going: Dr Geeta Shroff's Clinic who is sending a car for us at the airport.

These are our passport photos (of course we cropped them to just the faces):